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So you want a Giant Schnauzer?

You have seen them on T.V. or you met one at the dog park and now you think you want one? I hate to burst your bubble, but you aren't getting that well behaved (or almost well behaved) dog you met. You are getting a puppy that is possibly going to resemble a baby alligator when teething, a toddler in their terrible 2's and we wouldn't want to forget the teenage years. The only benefit is they can't dial the phone or shop online with your credit card.


Working with rescue, I have seen some giants that have developed very bad habits as they are the alpha and their human isn't. Giants need strong leadership in order to find their way. They can be very protective. You must be the alpha. Without an alpha they will assume the role. Having an 85lb puppy running your household just doesn't work. They will eat windowsills, jump on tables or humans, counter surf, pin the cat by it's neck, destroy whatever they want. They don't even begin to mature until 2 and there is not a guarantee they will mature then. With strong leadership, training. and giving them a job you can have the dog of your dreams. 


If you are approved for a puppy, you will meet Sasha. She will look very innocent and mature. Don't let the look fool you! She destroyed 7 windowsills. Most while teething but a couple just because she was bored. Squeeky toys must be destroyed as do all boxes... even if mom hasn't opened them and taken her new contacts out of them. All the furniture is hers, she allows us to sit on the couch or chairs. Most of the time she joins us as she thinks she is still a lap dog.


Have you considered what it costs to maintain a giant? There is the usual vet bills, food, grooming and training. You are looking at a minimum of $1500 plus a year. Grooming is typically every 6-8 weeks or you will learn to do it yourself. Food? Will you feed raw or kibble? Then there will be training classes. 


Giants need a lot of exercise. Are you prepared for daily walks? in the heat? rain? snow? Is your yard fenced and secure? 


Now, where will your giant sleep? during the day? in the evening? These are people dogs and need to be with their humans. To crate or not to crate?  


All of this is part of owning a giant. With proper care and training they are amazing dogs, but if left to their own ideas ( and if you don't give them something to do, they will find something). They are very loyal dogs and protective. If you feel you are ready for one, please fill out the puppy questionnaire.  

We are located in Central Texas between Austin and Dripping Springs.
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